Thursday, January 5, 2012

economic history link roundup, 1/5/12, and a small request

Pacific Northwest Labor and Civil Rights Projects,
Art of Richard Correll retrieved from
Check out this excellent labor history resource, "STRIKES! Labor History Encyclopedia for the Pacific Northwest" -- yearbooks, communist party histories, and a great media selection.

Emma Rothschild: 5 books recommended on economic history.

Not something you get to learn about everyday: has a review (by Thomas Cox) up of James R. Fichter's So Great a Proffit: How the East Indies Trade Transformed Anglo-American Capitalism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010. Fichter traces trade throughout the colonial and early Republic period of American history -- its influence on elites, specifically merchants. The magnitude of the impact of this trade on the American experience is questioned by Cox, but overall it definitely seems worth checking out.

Matias Vernengo's Economic History syllabus. You can find (introductory, advanced U.S., advanced European) economic history syllabi at UMass here. (You can find my syllabus for an upper-level undergraduate class in U.S. economic history at the "Teaching" link on the upper-right side of this blog.) If you're a heterodox economist with some syllabi in economic history courses, please let me know of them and I will update the list accordingly.

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