Sunday, April 29, 2012

learn american economic history online this summer

This summer, learn why they are the
backbone of American prosperity.
For regular readers of the blog, you might be interested to know that I am teaching an online course this summer through the UMass Economics Department, on American Economic History, from June 5 - July 10.

If you're interested, or if you know of others who might be interested, you should pass along this advertisement to them. You can sign up online at

If you've been reading the blog regularly, you know what this course is going to be about: economics from a social-historical perspective, with an emphasis on the ways in which social conflict has helped shape economic institutions such as the market, firm, the state, and even the environment. We will use a variety of tools to answer tough questions -- including statistical analysis, economic theory, and (of course) historical method.

Grading will be through papers and discussions, drawn from a rich reading list of social, labor, and economic history.

Please pass along to anyone you think might be interested in taking the course. And I'm glad to answer any questions! Leave a comment on this post or send me an email. For more information about my teaching credentials and approach, see this link: